Payments: Co-Pay, Co-insurance & Deductibles are due before medical services are rendered. We accept Cash, local Checks, American Express, Discover, Mastercard & Visa credit or debit cards.
Late Payments: If payment is not made on the day of visit, a $20 charge will be added to your visit for late fee. Any Outstanding balances are due before additional services are rendered. A charge of $10/visit will be added for any outstanding balances of 60 days or more. We Reserve the right not to render medical services if payment is not made at date of visit or patient has an outstanding unpaid balance.
Unpaid Balances: Unpaid balances will be due and payable before another appointment or medical services will be scheduled or rendered (including medication refills). Balances over 180 days will be subject to be turned over to collections and will result in a discharge from medical practice.